Panjandrum, redone

Panjandrum i.e. the end of poetry

        "Pay no attention to my left hand
         Watch my right hand, I repeat,
         there is no reason to pay any attention
         to my left hand ! "    - author

Raised on radio, mentored by myself
Voted least likely to shoot an innocent animal
Welcome to my humble castle
Please enjoy the exquisite surroundings and cuisine
Only the finest, only the best ........

Bouyant from last night's symphony
Having graduated with honors from Zensa
In my many world travels...............
Returning from my nightly walk,
Rather than flowers, an array of emerald, ivory, and jade

Having redfined almost everything
I open no doors for no one
I represent the end of chivalry
For reasons best expressed in silence
Every meeting an affront
Every encounter an invitation to umbrage

Recently appointed to the council on excellence
With every iota of hate, my hair grows another one eighth inch
To your question, no I don't watch TV,
I am the TV

Stepping to the podium, to address the scurillous masses,
Camera. Drum roll, " You represent the absolute bottom of the
proverbial barrel. Your decietful, devious, duplicitous existence
is no longer a secret to just you. I see you just exactly as you are, you
degenerate, christian, alchoholic, lying piece of rotten, stinking,
worthless garbage. Get away from me, do not even think about looking
to feed your misbegotten, well disguised hatred for me, me of all people.
Ask permission before you dare speak to me, you horrible, ignorant,
living to lie, pathetic piece of media induced ignornace. You're not even
human, not even close. You look more like livestock than human.
Understand, I am not here to change you, only to perceive you as
you actually are. Dogs and/or Pigs, every one of you. All facades are down,
all trickery is now transparent. Get away from me, your mere presence
is painful"

Panjandrum  i.e. the end of poetry 

                                                          "Pay no attention to my left hand
                                                            Watch my right hand, I repeat
                                                           There is no reason to pay any attention
                                                            to my left hand ! "      - author 

Raised on radio, mentored by myself 
Voted most, least likely to shoot an innocent animal 
Welcome to my humble castle
Please enjoy the exquisite surroundings and cuisine
Only the finest, only the best ........                                                                                               

Bouyant from last night's symphony
Having graduated with honors from Zensa 
In my many world travels...............
Returning from my nightly walk, 
Rather than flowers, an array of emerald, ivory, and jade

Having redfined almost everything 
I open no doors for no one 
I represent the end of chivalry 
For reasons best expressed in silence (private)
Every meeting an affront
Every encounter an invitation to umbrage 

Recently appointed to the council on excellence 
With every iota of hate, my hair grows another one eighth inch 
To your question, no I don't watch TV
I am the TV

Stepping to the podium, to address the  scurillous masses, 
Camera. Drum roll, " You represent the absolute bottom of the
proverbial barrel. Your decietful, devious, duplicitous existence 
is no longer a secret to just you.  I see as just exactly as you are, you 
degenerate, christian, alchoholic, lying piece of rotten, stinking,
piece of worthless garbage. Get away from me, do not even think
about looking at me, always trying to find something that is not real
 to feed your misbegotten, well disguised hatred for me, me of all people. 
Ask permission before you dare speak to me, you horrible, ignorant, 
living to lie,  pathetic piece of media induced ignornace. Youre not even 
human, not even close. You look more like livestock than human. 
Understand, I am not here to change you, only to perceive you as 
you actually are.  Dogs and/or Pigs, every one of you. All facades are down,
all trickery is now transparent. Get away from me. Your mere presence 
is painful"             

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