Introductions and Prefaci ( including Prolegomena and Forewards )
To Book Four, Essayene ( 2013-2024 ) copyright2023@fathomlightproductions
Preface: Exluding the monster series, the scientific, new age, and abstruse
philosophy that forms the basis for the remainer of the book almost comes
across as an lsd trip, i.e. psylosibin, or ketachrome sp experience. One of the
truly 'original' and pathbreaking books of the last 50 years.
Introduction: On the heels of his award winning, ' Eyes To The Stars' the
author comes through with another page turner, rife with esoteric psychologies,
new age science, and abstruse philosophies, all woven together masterfully,
leaving the reader in awe of what he is reading. The 21st century has found
its Shakespeare.
Prolegomena: Covering areas of existence that are normally left alone
or unreachable by most minds, the book extends both the mysteries of
the Mind and the Universe into the quantum carousel. This is pure philosophy
in the form of poetry. Not a coffee table ornament.
Dedication: To all the cat lovers of the world
Foreward: When first asked to compose a coherent foreward for this
outstanding book, I was hesitant, being that I am the author of this
' syllabus for the spiritually curious '. After re-reading the first four
pages, I couldn't say no. This is truly an exceptional book, one worth
the attention one would give Emerson. Wu Wei.
To Book Three, Eyes To The Stars
Preface: I've always wanted to walk into a bookstore,
be compelled to pick up one certain book and be so blown away
by what I'm reading that I stagger back to the front desk asking,
" Who is this, who wrote this, do they have other books, is this considered
a best seller??? " Since that never happened, I decided to Write
That Book Myself ! Mission Accomplished.
Introduction: The speaker rises and heads to the front, all the while
fumbling in his pocket for the notes he mistakenly left at the hotel, while
exchanging amenities with the first row.
Who would ever think that his impromptu, piecemeal speech, made of
what he could remember written from last night combined with fragments of last week's
philosophical soiree would become the basis for the first three paragraphs of
the best selling book of the 21st century.......
Prolegomena II
Inspired by both sophisticated guitar music and various
new age radio programs ( Echoes, Starstrems, Hearts of Sausalitio, with Stephen Hill
This epic manifestation of energized, inspired spirituality fused with quantum physics
as it relates to the Mind and our relationship to the universe, i.e creation.
Written both to and from the future and using the same literary devices ( colorful
essay, erudite, non-dialogue fiction ) as the previous book, Elucidation Emeritus, the
author weaves together a stunningly artistic and in depth expose of spirituality,
music, and science. Inspired by the best of metal and new age music, the work distinguishes
itself from other works of highbrow literature by what appears to be acts of divination
occuring during the composition of this unspeakably beautiful and rare book.
Dedication: To all the musicians, music teachers, and music lovers of the world
When first asked to provide a forward for this epic, historically
significant work of philosophy, I ........hesitated, then agreed based on
the one over-riding fact: I wrote it, so who better to offer a truthful, correct synopsis.
Book Two, Elucidation Emeritus
Preface, Introduction, Prolegomena, Dedication, and Foreward
Exceptional and orignial. Philosophy in the form of poetry.
Rife with perspective and contexts all too similar to that of
zen buddhism and hinduism. Tthe book, reaches into uncharted waters,
emphasizing the importance of the true self, the inner self. Wu Wei
Written over only 1.4 years, characterized by an ongoing thematic variation,
whereby each piece either alludes to a preceding or upcoming piece,
the book touches, reaches a new zenith in orginal philosophy,
taking the form of standard quantrian, thereby establishing a new, higher
standard for modern, musiciallhy inspired, powerful, epic poetry.
Prolegomena to the Second Book, Elucidation Emeritus
Utilizing the literary devices seen in colorful essay and non-contrived-dialogues,
the author weaves together a compelling near masterpiece.
Inspired by guitar and a 80's tsunami of New Age Music, the manuscript ........
encompasses several reoccurring literary and/or philosophical motifs.
Dedication: To the Future
Again, with no one else worthy of writing a cogent,
somewhat compelling and yet truthful 'Foreward', the author himself
concedes to fate and composes the required 'Foreward' himself. Sui Generis.
Commune, book Five
Beginning with a far out, i.e. unorthordox theme, including the elusive central idea, the
author creates a bona fide rarity in the literary world, whereupon
ideas take the place of persons, giving a sense of bizarre gemeinschaft, i.e. community to
an otherwise tilting to random, eidetic compendium of abstract to abstruse ideas. Mind at its best
Calling all thinkers, especially outside the box, Original Star Trek fans included.
Diverting slightly from the motif and forms of the third and fourth books, this the fifth
book becomes a literary and philosophical revolution in itself, expressed only
by itself and explained only to and by itself. Sui Generis
Prolegomena Deluxe:
Written from the perspective of a musician, i.e. ex musician
the essence and substance of the book, Commune, is at its best and most accurate
a work of philosophy, equal to Nietzsche, Foucault, Husserl, and Emerson. Yes, Emerson.
Beginning with an synopsis on both abstruse philosophy and the role
of the esteemed modern day american intellectual, i.e. HIPPIE, the psychogeric forces
behind the writing of this extremely rare book soar to new literary heights.
Fusing Musicology and Cryptology, whereupon the crux, gist, and quintessence
rotate around each others indeterminate centre, allowing the most compelling illuminations
to move onward into the realm of Zensa, circa 2001,
whereby a group of advanced individuals form a small, close knit society
based on philosophical concepts, ideas, and principles. Wu Wei.
Dedication: 1) To all philosophy majors worldwide.
2)To the great and grand culture and nation of India.
Continuing in the same motif as Essayene and Eyes To The Stars, 'Commune'
quickly shows its ineffable mystique as philosophical concepts begin
their compelling interplay. A must read for the multi-layered and trans-dimensional.
Book One, Onceupatime
Preface: Replete with the 'woe is me' leifmotif, the first book, written
several years ago, provides a needed peek into the author's adolescent
psyche and his unusual ability to string novel ideas and concepts, usually about
himself or the degenerate society he must live in together
Introduction: Drawing from and pointing toward the Future, the book embodies,
personifies, and expresses a west coast budding awareness of Emerson, Watts, and
Castendeda. Written to be read, not read aloud, this and the other four books
follow a literary itenerary that no one could predict.
Prolegomena: Though only 1/2 the book remains due to an illness and circumstances
beyond anyone's control, the 'now" chapbook, as is, draws both much praise and
disdain from those who have read either several pieces or more. An Exceptional work,
including the "no accounting for taste" principle combined with, all the inexplicable
differences in literary, graphic, musical, or cinematic taste.
Dedication: To the many Fans of Star Trek, the only and original Star Trek.
Foreward: Originally titled "Subconscious Orchestrations". the book communicates
a sincerity rarely seen by writers who remain in the shadows for the bulk of their
time on earth. Delusions, Psalm 667, Anonymous, and Celebration Of The Seven standout
on first and second read.
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