Future Reflective, A work of Fiction

The envelope please. As the age of confusion came to an end,
a new emphasis was placed on the individual, the significance of the
subconscious, and the role of music, paving the way for a new era
in man's quest for truth, meaning, and perfection.

Enlightenment requires a passion for simple truth,
an affinity with the natural world,
an awareness of higher principles,
a distance from the horrors of societal conditioning.

By inverting the more oblique variables , the riddle
of insufficient cause is partially resolved,  creating room
for a cascade of new paradigms and restoring the
first two corollaries of the human equation.

Coincidence knows the ratio of the actual to the ideal,
the role of fortuitous happenstance and the quixotic path
of fate.

Intelligence is the ability to see associations
between related or apparently unrelated phenomena.
Reality is the confluence of destiny and free will, i.e. choice.

Prior to the discovery of the psychosphere, the exact and correct
configuration of matter to mind had yet to be elucidated. All
behavior was explained by rudimentary, bestial urges and needs.
Joy had yet ascended to the rank of motive.  
Below the preconscious threshold are clusters of perceptae,
rotating around aggregates of thought and emotion, all
aswirl in a kaleidoscopic fountain of impulses, images, and
impressions, producing the interconnective fabric, the primary
link between the personal and the universal.

After the soiree, the players would gather in the stargarden,
to mull over and share their impressions of the planetarium suite.
As the night is long. Later to dream

Historians will agree that the subculture which propelled civilization into a
renaissance was the result of music, divinely inspired music.

The question was one of degrees, intensities, magnitudes. The quest was to
engage and activate that which behooves both the individual and the communal
drive and desire for excellence.

Zen understands the power of circumstance, the value of balance, the synergy
of beauty, order, harmony; the process of becoming. Nirvana is the awesome,
spellbinding radiance and beauty of the sunset. Nirvana is the human
perception and appreciation of such.  Nirvana is the connection between
the actuality of and the personal experience of such. Consciousness is the
perfect fusion of matter and energy.

Beyond the empirical horizon, ersatz and erratum decrease as logos, mythos,
and eros intersect to form a new zeitgeist.

The musician is distinguished by a keen sense of both judgment and excellence;
by an auspicious absence of egocentric emotion, including an innate sense
of cognitive grammar. His nature is to harmonize with self, others,
and the world about him. He is to be studied.
Destiny has bequeathed a wealth of complexities by which each thinking unit
may draw from, thereby accruing optimum charisma. I am, therefore I think.

In the weeks between Creation's Day and Rehmannia,
the more artistically and intellectually inclined turn their
attentions to the interiors, allowing nature to redirect and
align their best instincts to a higher purpose.

Under the authority of Music, reason and emotion synchronize
and harmonize, as each concept attains optimum relevance,
salience, and significance.

A study of the subconscious wonderland reveals a vastly
more intricate, nebulous, expansive,  and psychonoetic
infrastructure, a carousel of proprioceptive phenomena,
the true, real depth of the human octave.

The rules of awareness suggest a penchant for synchronicity,
a more fluent evolutionary foundation, a cadre of hidden virtues
woven into an exorbitance of multifarious potentials, indicating a
more luxurious karma, a better way to experience the munificence
of the incarnate Tao.

Nearing phase transition, needless emotion dissipates,
joy displaces boredom as elements rush to the apperceptual
overflow, creating a window, a proximity to the eight wonders of
the invisible world.

Falling into trance, barriers dissolve, sensibilities awaken,
reality is redefined as time is experienced in a beatific counterflow
of mystagogic exponentials.

Data continues to feed in at a rate commensurate to the speed of
prolepsis, nullifying and debilitating the virulent force of opinion,
while creating a context, a backdrop or framework for the actualization
and mobilization of symphonic truth.

Quoting Celcius, “that which is truly sacred should be shielded from
the hateful odium of scurrilous, barbaric masses.”

In winning the Oyster, I took my place among an elite circle of
divinely inspired artists, thereby taking refuge in the epicenter of
a sui generis prestige and setting a new standard for transcendental art.

On the screen we could see the relation of dream to reality, the
underlying patterns and dynamics of the gestalten theater, the
origins and machinations of the transdimensional self.
As zen evolves from its imperfect infancy towards its inevitable
and eventual fruition as true zen, it sheds its unflattering,
stigmatizing constrictions and austerities, adding over time a
sense of intellectual and emotional freedom, thereby becoming
more theological, thus disproving an everpresent circle of narrow-
minded christian critics.

Peering into the metaphysical expanse, mind sees a surreal
complexity highlighted by projections of dormant actualities,
orbiting a wellspring of theories, all set in a cornucopia of opaque,
unending paradox.

Peering further, the mind’s eye sees and senses a carnival of
etiologies, moving amidst a sea of compelling absurdity, satiate with
exotic updrafts and geometric transcendentals, the prima materia
of the cosmic scheme.

The night tells us of a far greater and more grand reality, a reason for
being, of an ineffable and inescapable eternity. All beneficence derives
from beauty. Karma is the sum total of all our experiences, both real
And imagined.

Quoting Isoloeles. “Thus they were given wings , and new eyes with
Which to see. To fly above the madness, to remain forever free.”

Intelligence is an ability to connect the dots,
to see both into and through; an awareness and understanding
of causality.  Nourished by an aesthetic environment,
it becomes the foundation for a transpersonal ethos.
Without intelligence, the human being is reduced to a
life of chronic misperceptions, menial pursuits, and
self serving delusions.

In the Navajo concept of existence,
the earth, heavens, and waters provide a multitude of
natural altars, by which each may consecrate and celebrate
his most ardent appreciation for the grand scheme.
Because of chaos, there is order. Precision breeds possibility.
Perspective gives purpose. Each a galaxy into himself.

The quest was to understand our place in the space-time
continuum, to become more like nature, to transcend society's
prevailing, misguided mediocrity, and to enlist that which produces
the optimum amount of energy and tranquility.

In the wake of opus, confusion abates and celebrations
insue, as the focus turns to the possibilities of an
expanded consciouness, bearing new traditions and
signaling the arrival of the transmilennial crossroads,
the epic transition to a new era, phase three in the psychological
evolution of the species.

Inside the most daring and astute episteme are the
holographic refractions of a kaleidoscopic labyrinth,
the bold rudiments of a hitherto unannounced cosmic
affinity, the etheric tenets of the vihara within.

Quoting Chiavenna, " for a new bible is being written
by savants sitting in the dark; one that honors the
need for self evident, spirtual truth and does not
insult our intelligence. "

Investigations in to the dreamscape show a wider variation
of preforms, a predisposition toward both noetic
enrichment and gregarious benevolence, intermixed
among a compelling surfeit of ambiguity and ambivalence,
thereby corroborating the first law of psychophysics
and illustrating the true reach and scope of the pleasure principle.
Music unclutters, purifies, activates, elevates, enhances,
and empowers as it perfectly unites the primal and ethereal,   
abstract and concrete and the pragmatic and fantastic.

The universal compass points to a panorama of eccentric
amplitudes, a confluence of daunting insights,
to the wisdom and beneficence of the pantheist's creed,
the brilliance of the overview, the emergence
of the intuitive sciences.

At the second level of actuality, exception becomes the
rule, motion begets emotion and promise turns to praxis,  
initiating a wave of auspicions and revealing the
introspective glamour of the neologos.   

The Oyster is awarded every other year to the work of art that
best honors the depth, complexity, and mystery of the subconscious
as it evokes and elucidates a transformative vision of the future.                        

In the presence of the magnificent sunset, we are held in
awe, overwhelmed by the inimitable glory and grandeur,
spellbound in the unspeakable beauty and majesty,
reborn in the astonishing display of nature's grandiosity,
mesmerized and blessed by the mystical and magical
reality of an all powerful and knowing deity.

Quoting Celcius, "Once freed of the need for approval and
acceptance, the individual is therefore free to pursue a higher calling.
Liberated from a societally conditioned and imposed
need for an illusory happiness, one may then both experience
more of the existential platter and follow a path more
attuned to the original intent of the creator."

On the mountainside, the priestess basks in the knowledge
and benevolence of the cosmic flow, ennobled by a harmonic
connection with the infinite. Her thoughts provide a sharp,
telling contrast to the wayward, misbegotten apostasy of the
oblivious herd and provide a model for those drawn to the
abundant, priceless riches of the spiritual path.

Reason assigns a profound significance to the value of
imagination, the theory of human relativity, to an understanding
of the both the law of averages and the ubiquitous inequality within
the whole of nature.  

Long ago man huddled around the fire, taking refuge
from the bitter cold, untouched by society and burdened
with unending hardships and challenges. All his behaviors,
his lifestyle and eventual fate to be determined and categorized
by one of two principles; the survival of the strongest or the
survival of the smartest.   

Circumventing classical analysis, hypothesis and synopsis
dissolve into paradox, removing the irrelevant past, uniting the
apparent and obscure, the simple and the complex, the
empirical and intuitive, all for a self concept based on curiosity,  
novelty, and humility.

Exiting trance, mind adroitly attenuates to the fragmented,
noisy multiform as it reconstructs a coherent, integrated picture
from a scattershot, piecemeal exterior. Washed of unwanted
emotional impediments and irritants and refreshed with
an enhanced set of faculties, it welcomes a new sense of
objectivity, aerated and elevated by expanded perceptions,
better able to ascertain, distinguish, and generalize.

Reading from the Sitaara Sutra, " Great pleasures await
those who embrace the laws of transcendence, who espouse the
virtues of  higher consciousness, who unassumingly reject the
decadence of a superficial, manipulative society,  who value
the power of innocence and aspire to greater good for all. "

To quote Celcius,"The Toltec and Olmec masters told us what the telescopes
would one day reveal. The the Universe is everywhere. Most remarkably,
it is even within us."

Enlightenment is characterized by a fascination with darkness,
an ability to remain silent,  an attraction to all water; lakes, rivers,
creeks, oceans and fog; by a predilection for solitude and creative
thought, and by an ability to connect to both world and others on a
deeper level.

Looking into the crystal ball, mind sees a myriad of past
synchronicities, a montage of subrosa divinities intersperced
among a storm of possibilities,  highlighted by the aura of an
anonymous wisdom emanating from the center of the gestalten matrix.

Reality the ongoing manifestation of predicative causality.
Aesthetics the basis for morality.
Resilience the key to sanity.

The musician is distinguished by a propensity for unity,
honesty and mental diversity, by a absence of irrational
animosities, by an awareness and appreciation for the
marvels of the inner symposium.

Zen is the manifestation of the unexpected in its most
polite form.  Zen is the awareness of another's potential awareness,
of opposites and interplay, of a psychonoetic chemistry
between persons, between minds. Because of Zen, we play.

Falling again into trance, seven halos rose from the vespertine froth,
accompanied by whispers from the earthchoir, thereby
becalling moments from the future and leading us closer
to the mystery of Abraxas.

As the full moon rises, the festival of equinox begins,
first with numerous readings and recitations,
proceeding onward to 24 hours of introspective jubilation,      
reminding us of our place in the macrocosm,    
recentering our most erudite and meritorious energies,  
pointing to the scroll in the sky, and culminating in a 21 guitar salute.

Chiavenna speaks, " Come to me with humility and modesty,
in the spirit of adventure and discovery, free of pride,
envy and avarice; as a fountain, a feather, a flower. "

Over time, three philosophers made themselves known to me,
each brilliantly unique and brimming with originality, depth and vision.   
Through contact with all three, the shape and direction of
the conceptual landscape was augmented and altered, accelerating the
arrival of a new era in man's quest to understand the marvels of both
the internal and external worlds.

Intelligence is a balance between reason and emotion,
an awareness of similitudes and distinctions,
a keen eye and ear for the contrast between essence and
appearance, a fondness for supposition, discovery, and analysis.

Christianity's failure as a religion results from 1) an excess of anti-intellectual
tenets, including the illusion of sin which run counterclockwise to both common
sense and basic self-evident truths; 2) an implicitly blasphemous doctrine
which speaks of a once active higher power now totally and
demonstrably  removed from our present day earthly affairs.
3) its atheist creed which suggests a anthropomorphized, wrathful god
and the accompanying hell or heaven syndrome. By placing jesus over god,
the followers are unknowingly misled from the realization of the
primary reality, i.e. the ubiquitous and magical universe and
instead toward, into a state of lifelong underlying spiritual poverty and confusion.

Purpose was realized by tapping into overtones,
overtones existing outside of chronology, formed from the most
energized, inspired and profound thoughts and emotions
of a select few. From these overtones would come not only a new methodology,
but a portal for widespread social amelioration, a process by
which humanity would entertain and engage, thus creating
the formula for a better human being.

In the dream, yin signals yang, as comprehension implodes
within the translineal zeitgeist, exciting the ornate interiors,
invigorating and rearranging the collective internal epistemes
producing out of nowhere, a silent, yet megalithic wave of auspicions,
thereby laying the foundation for a  philosophy of the subconscious,
establishing a higher standard for the literati , and paving
the way for an attainable utopia.

The rules of Chi suggest a wider variation of forms, the existence
of an orchestral constant, the possibility of a more objective individuality,
a more profound awareness of and appreciation for the upside of
the human estate. Zen the antithesis to societal contamination.
Fantasy the quickest route to truth. Every great work of art
ultimately about itself.

The quest was to absolve all labels, to rise above opinion,
to mollify the discord between autonomy and conformity,
to create a more telepathic reality.

On the screen we could see the torque of complexity within the mythical
thoughtopolis, the amount of paradox inside the true expanse of the human
dimension, the elements that comprise the enlightened, inspired musical mind,
the underlying dynamics of yin yang principle.

Music is the bridge between the physical and metaphysical,
the link between the simple and the complex, the apparent and obscure,
the empirical and intuitive.  Because of music, beauty is clairvoyant.

Behind the grand veil of illusion , two energies speed toward  
eventual rendezvous, whereupon their fusion will cause an implosion
within the grid of causality, producing ripples along the ontological
spectrum, revealing a carnival of etiologies and altering the predestined
course of history.

We were an experiment, a secret group of participants, selected by the
wisest for our acumen and acuities to dissect and delineate the true complexity
of the mind, to study the seven levels of the subconscious, and both prove and
illustrate the association between mind, music, and universe,
the results of which are still classified.  

Each venture into the zone of bedazzlement produces a wave of beatifica,
an effusion of gratitude that in turn releases an exponential expansion of
interconnectivity and symmetry, thereby invoking the code of nocturnes
and opening the gates for a shower of miracles.  

Peering even further into the crystal ball, mind sees a panorama
of dualities, a network of a fortiori extrapolations revolving around
a sea of exotic, melodious orchestrations, all forming the foundation
for an exquisite, lucid purview, a virtual stairway to the stars.
Celcius speaks, "They will go forth in the spirit of excellence
to create community, i.e. communes,  instilling and cultivating
basic spiritual truths for the betterment of the culture, i.e. a cult,
whereby each and all serve the lot and cause of humanity,
to prosper in the spirit of enlightenment,  free from the hateful
ignorance of their inferior detractors. Destiny will shine on upon them."

In winning the Oyster, an age old prophecy was fulfilled
as I opened the door for the rediscovery and renewal of esoteric music
and literature.

As artist recherchez, the musician embodies the best of the
species, as he provides a model for the diminished ego. He is
characterized by an affinity for the spiritual path, by an innate
need for ideas and psychological freedom, and a fascination
with the potential of, the untapped resources of Mind.

The universal compass points to a plethora of zenetic phenomena,
surrounded by a sea of proprioceptive qualia and quanta,
all emanating from a fountain of expanded consciousness and
revolving around a sensorium of translineal ideologies,
producing from within the kundalini chorus, an exalted planetary awareness.

Looking back from the future, the significance of music could not  
be ignored. Those who transcended their conditioning via the wonders
of rich, textured, divinely inspired sounds began to evolve at a much
more rapid rate, creating a subculture of aesthetically empowered brilliance.
From their brilliant,  subrosa art came the beginnings of another
world where spirit was both acknowledged and revered, where the
ability to think had value, where the visions of the musically inspired
had meaning, purpose, and effect.

Outside in the quartzite garden, the players gather and mingle,
the din of their subdued conversations merging perfectly with the
eerie, damp quietude, fading into and providing a backdrop for
the sensation of historic, epic confluence.  Somewhere past midnight,
they will begin to disperse, each heading down highly individualized
pathways, to discover the reality of an alternate destiny,  to embrace paradox,  
the mystery of abraxas; to aspire to a greater understanding of the universe,
pausing for one more gaze upward into the star filled spectacle above.
Onceuponatime, as if for the first time, the last time
Later to Dream................


Part Five, Premonition


Unspoken and open, unto an understanding
For those who can change their minds
To trust the self and nothing more
To connect to another, without notice
To become that connection

When attraction goes beyond its knowledge
When the moment cannot be captured, and yet is
If explained, roaming in cycles decoded
Passing through me, in a flash

They wondered, if for only once
Daring to see if it may indeed be
Drawn by instinct refined
Into an understanding of essence
Separate and bound,  the flow was too good
Guided by an inner voice, a thought was released

For those who understand how the world works
Who can feel,  and feel more
To take control, the assume the confidence of another
To venture the hunch of a lifetime

By their touch, their insight,  their talents
Each gifted, given to a sensual intellect
Their thoughts made them unique
Able to communicate, to let go, to feel
The contact is a promise, a calling, a vision
The connection was one of spirit

When attraction meets admiration, unbounded
Affection becomes adoration, coincidence begins
When the depths of two special persons meet
There is more, there is nothing to compare
To sense something more,  elusive and beyond
To concede to the wisdom of the inner voice
In another time, the contact was inevitable
Guided by a dream, the sensation was an understanding

The difference was one of layers
For one cannot have what even nature decrees
When feelings rise, when affection consumes
Denied, the emotions go nowhere
There is no greater sadness

The other, by nature's blessings, would never know
Or experience the pain of rejection
When there is attraction, affection
It is not denied.  Barriers fall,
There is meaning, vitality, celebration


When eye meets eye
There is something that both see
When mind meets mind,
Leaping into the extraordinary
Too precious and rare
To wonderous to lose in explanation
If to capture, to sense the forbidden

When beauty,  genuine beauty releases its presence
There is a pull, a depth, a contact with the evermore
When such beauty and intelligence combine

There is prefection - astonishment
When the uniqueness of one touches another
The rafters quiver, the foundation shakes
The reality of what we are howls
The humility of innocence gathers momentum
The unspeakable approaches the lecturn

To connect to something more,
To another's very center
For those who know, by act, gaze and dream
To have known the interiors, the dynamics of love
Of a deepest appreciation
This is what speaks

To imagine, to know something other
Where thrill meets thrill
Where there is an attraction, an answer
A submission to nature, to fate itself
And yet to trade this, to relinquish the melt down
For something more powerful, more calling
By its own passion, to be and be mirrored
The dream is its own destiny,  its own source
In a timeless embrace with understanding
To have it confirmed, to meet at the exchange
This is the the image, the reoccuring, the pull

To stand before another, to waiver unto possibility
With awareness unguarded, tiliting again to coincidence
To sense the graceful wisdom, the precision within
To know greatness, to be amazed by a beauty beyond comprehension
Life a gift from above, electrifying the space between
Where thoughts have remained,
Never to be spoken,
If to venture, to tempt the unhinging
The dream is a joy, an unveling, a spark from the depths
Its quest is a brilliance,
The complete expression of pure feeling

When adoration and respect press their boundaries
When they intersect with pleasure
There is a magic, unparalleled and inexpressable
When the marvel and goodness of the universe personifies
There is a mystique, a grandeur, a pull from within


In the dream, in the avenue for truth
There was freedom, to express and know further
There was, there is an understanding
The contact was too good for this world
The connection is more.....
It is not ours.......

To value the magnificence of another
To know what cannot be for even one moment
Yet thrown into the reality of an sudden certainty
To be transfixed by the presence of beauty
By the chemistry between two like minds
To be jolted by a flash, by the emotion of two
The source is to have and hold
For one glorious instant
To dissolve into the timeless,  the overflow
To become another, to understand the hows and whys
And to hold that understanding,  and more
Scan the heavens, the multitudes, the great books
There is no greater reality

Haunted by a whisper from within
The feelings are more than life
Equal to the incredible beauty of another
Unbounded and untapped,  pushed to a most remote corner
There to stay at a distance from myself
This is the earth,
Where so few can ask for even one moment
The affinity is somewhere else, another time
Another world, where intelligence is allowed to feel

For those who understand,
Who can tap into another's thoughts
The attraction is a pull, as silent as sacred
To be at peace with, in sanity and strength
The touch, the rush of an unexpected closeness
The contact has no logic, in another time
When eye meets eye,
The spark is a mystery, a a distance, a perfection
When mind meets mind, behold the magic
If the connection could speak.......

When compared to, when categories fall
For those who've seen through the illusions
Guided by only a  hunch,  
In the presence of repeating coincidence
They dared to know if the depths could express

To venture the possiblity,  to stammer onto truth
Of an appreciation and adoration from the deepest
Undeniable and denied, the effect is a promise
The promise of an explantion, touching and untouched
The whisper of a memory, the caress of a mutual secret


To stand before the face of the most precious beauty
Entranced by the fascination with that beauty
To value beyond words the the charisma and magnificence
The see in another the same thoughts and feelings
The same similitude of flow, cadence, order and number
Hurled again into the glorious, signals are sent
The thought is a surrender, a calling, a perfection unsurpassed
The embrace is a testamonial
To the power of the mind, to spirit, to the center
The connection is the sensation of an understaning
The understanding is extrasensory

Living in the light, apart from the toiling madness
To find without looking the best that can be
By the power of pure emotion
Where appreciation becomes amazement
To sense something more, to dissolve into the excess
The moment is a masterpiece
The touch is an immensity,  a thousand raptures in one
The release is a freedom, a brilliance, a phantasm

To love without expecting any return
To know the truth, that love has no power to generate
To reward itself, to appease the object of its pull
For those who understand the interiors
If for once, just once.........
There is no greater satisfaction
There is no greater an emptiness

The dream begins, the dream ends
The contact is in the dream, as destined
The connection is, it has always been
The premonition is eternal



Three other books
