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The Chapters
- Subrosa
- Countertime
- Elixir
- Transaurius
- Commune
- Octaves
- Godavari
- Thoughtflower
- Pentacles
- Telepaths
- Incunabula
- Fathomlight
Beginning with and in the key of Wu Wei,
a journey to the outskirts of ontology, i.e. metaphysics commences with the ending in sight.
Replet with zensations, the experience, purely subjective entails............
Countertime: the science of zenesis and zensations. AllThingsZen
Book 12, Excerpts.........
Reading from the book of Commune, "Old men, like old women have powers"
"The predicament is this: We're essntially spiritual beings living in a physical universe"
paraphrased, -unknown at present
As a cousin to pure philosophy, "poetry is an attenpt to reconnect that which has somehow become disconnected"
- Again, paraphrased, author unknown at present
From the Book of Elixir
To learn more about Abstruse Philosophy, try Book Four Here
Clue for the day: Calcutta