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The Chapters

  1. Subrosa
  2. Countertime
  3. Elixir
  4. Transaurius
  5. Commune
  6. Octaves
  7. Godavari
  8. Thoughtflower
  9. Pentacles
  10. Telepaths
  11. Incunabula
  12. Fathomlight


Beginning with and in the key of Wu Wei,
a journey to the outskirts of ontology, i.e. metaphysics commences with the ending in sight.
Replet with zensations, the experience, purely subjective entails............

Countertime: the science of zenesis and zensations. AllThingsZen

Book 12, Excerpts.........
Reading from the book of Commune, "Old men, like old women have powers"

"The predicament is this: We're essntially spiritual beings living in a physical universe"
paraphrased, -unknown at present

As a cousin to pure philosophy, "poetry is an attenpt to reconnect that which has somehow become disconnected"
- Again, paraphrased, author unknown at present

From the Book of Elixir

To learn more about Abstruse Philosophy, try Book Four Here

Clue for the day: Calcutta